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Learn the basics of lightsaber show fighting on "real" sabers with light and sound.
You can expect spinning techniques, defensive and attack techniques, combinations, choreography work
and lots of fun!
For all lightsaber fans aged 12 and over.
Learn the intermediate techniques of lightsaber show fighting.
You can expect new senseless spinning variations, throws to the side of the body, new attack and defense techniques (evade and counter combinations, block and counter combinations), new finishers, ...
Preconditions: Minimum one basic workshop.
Book here:
Learn the basics of lightsaber show fighting on "real" sabers with light and sound.
You can expect spinning techniques, defensive and attack techniques, combinations, choreography work
and lots of fun!
For all lightsaber fans aged 12 and over.
Book here:
Learn the basics of lightsaber show fighting on "real" sabers with light and sound.
You can expect spinning techniques, defensive and attack techniques, combinations, choreography work
and lots of fun!
For all lightsaber fans aged 12 and over.
Learn the basics of lightsaber show fighting on "real" sabers with light and sound.
You can expect spinning techniques, defensive and attack techniques, combinations, choreography work
and lots of fun!
For all lightsaber fans aged 12 and over.